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News Update
8 Food Safety Solutions, 15 Minutes Each: What Will You Learn at the GFSI Tech Talks?

…GFSI certification has driven food safety consistency in the food value chain. But do supply chain verification programs have consistency when determining risk for suppliers? How do we ensure cross-functional…

The Consumer is Transforming Food Safety Through Choice and Data

…One Connected World; One Safe Food Supply that centers on innovation, organisations serving the food sector are naturally keen to demonstrate not only their food safety credentials but also their…

4 GFSI Myths, Busted: The Truth About Auditors, CPOs and Regulations

…support a vast network of independent food safety auditors, yet it became clear to me when I began this work that there is deep confusion about the interplay between food

News Update
GLOBALG.A.P Certification at Closed Plant Factories in Japan

…such as convenience store sandwiches, salads, and the food-service industry. One of the reasons is that there are no businesses with sufficient supply capacity to meet the volume of demand…

News Update
Make the Most of Your Mornings with Special Sessions at the GFSI Conference!

…biggest pest threats to your food business. These tiny pests damage a significant proportion of the world’s food supplies, posing a threat at all stages of the food supply chain…

Alternative Foods — A Safe, Sustainable & Nutritious Future?

…It will include a discussion on present and future sustainability, food safety and regulatory challenges, and will look at opportunities for plant-powered food innovation. For further information email food@sgs.com.  …

News Update
“We Aim to Foster an Unwavering Food Safety Culture”: How House Foods America Leverages GFSI to Ensure Continuous Improvement

…continuous improvement in order to foster a food safety culture.   (GFSI) Thank you to everyone at House Foods America.   Subscribe to GFSI News   6998 news_updates/how-house-foods-america-leverages-gfsi-to-ensure-continuous-improvement featured hidden…

A New Era of Smarter Food Safety: Frank Yiannas of the US FDA Looks to the Future

…A New Era of Smarter Food Safety Everyone who knows me knows that I like to think of myself as a food safety futurist. I’ve been vocal about the value…

Developing the Next Generation of Food Safety Leaders

  The food manufacturing industry is struggling to fill food safety and quality positions. Building your company’s food safety culture is key to attracting, developing and retaining quality talent. AIB…

The Social Element of Food Safety: How to Engage with Consumers in Their Language

  Do you know what your consumers mean when they say ‘safe food’?   As CEO of the Center for Food Integrity (CFI), I spend my days helping companies learn…

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