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GFSI recognition offers a passport to the global market, both for the recognised CPOs (certification programme owners) and the companies that they certify. In order to be recognised by GFSI, CPOs must verify that they meet the Benchmarking Requirements, one of the world’s most widely-accepted benchmark documents for food safety programmes.

The GFSI Benchmarking Requirements were first created in 2001 by a group of retailers motivated by the necessity of harmonising food safety standards across the global supply chain. These requirements are frequently updated with input from food safety experts around the world to keep up to date with food safety trends. They do not constitute a food safety standard in their own right, nor can food businesses be audited or certified against them. For these roles, we rely on our recognised CPOs.

To learn more about the CPOs that have earned GFSI recognition, please see our Recognised CPO Module below. This comprehensive guide can be filtered by industry scopes. Food businesses may find this tool useful for determining which internationally-recognised certification programme best fits their needs.

CPOs Undergoing Benchmarking Against V2020

Explore Certification Programmes - Version 2020

Select your scope below to browse related certification programmes.

The following Certification Programme Owners are currently recognised against Version 2020 of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements.
Click on the logo to see which standards have been benchmarked.

Explore Certification Programmes - Version 7.2

Select your scope below to browse related certification programmes.

The following Certification Programme Owners are currently recognised against Version 7.2 of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements. Click on the logo to see which standards have been benchmarked.

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