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News Update
GFSI Releases Engagement Plan for ‘The Race to the Top’

…a detailed engagement plan setting out a bold vision for how we deliver open, transparent and frequent interaction and communication with our stakeholder community globally. The publication of this engagement…

News Update
First Programme Benchmarked to GFSI’s Version 2020: New Consultation Open – CanadaGAP V9

…office visit led by an independent benchmark leader. To participate in this consultation, please download and read through the associated documents before sending your comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com. Fourteen standards are…

News Update
The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Coalition of Action on Food Safety: the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)

…Steering Committee, its Sub Committees, Working Groups and Local Groups will operate to a new Governance Model and Rules of Procedure. This enshrines a new way of working, fit for…

News Update
New Benchmarking Consultation Open: GLOBALG.A.P., HPSS V.1.2 and PHA V.1.2

…Scopes of GLOBALG.A.P’ application, you can send your comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com.   Related Resources: GFSI Benchmarking and Recognition GFSI Benchmarking Requirements More from the GFSI Library 1 6913 featured hidden…

News Update
GFSI Response to US FDA Announcement on the Launch of Voluntary Pilot Programme to Evaluate Alignment of Third-Party Food Safety Standards with FSMA Rules

…into all aspects of a company, from management commitment to processes and procedures. Food business operators across the globe have demonstrated their commitment to food safety by undertaking voluntary accredited…

News Update
New Benchmarking Consultation Open: FSSC 22000 Version 5.1

…that correspond the Scopes of FSSC 22000 application, you can send your comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com.   Related Resources: GFSI Benchmarking and Recognition GFSI Benchmarking Requirements More from the GFSI Library…

News Update
New Benchmarking Consultation Open: BRC Global Standards Against Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020.1

…questions and comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com by 23rd April 2021.   Related Resources: GFSI Benchmarking and Recognition GFSI Benchmarking Requirements More from the GFSI Library 7042 1 featured hidden 1 auto…

Keeping our guard up against foodborne illness

…ensure businesses provide the consistent, heightened level of clean that customers have come to expect. For more information, visit .ecolab.com featured 1 hidden This blog was written and contributed by:…

News Update
New Stakeholder Consultation Open: IFS

…independent Benchmark Leaders. How to get involved To participate, simply download the consultation documents here, and email your questions and comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com by 5th August 2021 1 featured hidden…

News Update
New Stakeholder Consultation Opens: The Global Red Meat Standard

…independent Benchmark Leaders. How to get involved To participate, simply download the consultation documents here, and email your questions and comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com by 5th August 2021 1 featured hidden…

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