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GFSI is very pleased to announce the opening of another stakeholder consultation, one of the final stages in the benchmarking process against the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020.1. The International Featured Standards submitted 4 of their standards for re-benchmarking: IFS Food v.7, IFS Logistics v. 2.2, IFS Broker v. 3 and IFS PACsecure v.1.1. IFS has maintained GFSI recognition, extending their scope of recognition as they developed new certification programmes.

“The IFS sees the GFSI benchmark as an important message to the global food safety network that the IFS standards work at the highest level and meet global standards. We would like to thank GFSI and the benchmark leader in particular for the competent and constructive cooperation during the benchmark process.”
Stephan Tromp, IFS Managing Director

Why a stakeholder consultation
This important step of the GFSI Benchmarking Process ensures its transparency and robustness, inviting interested stakeholders to review and comment on the assessment carried out by GFSI and their independent Benchmark Leaders.

How to get involved
To participate, simply download the consultation documents here, and email your questions and comments to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com by 5th August 2021

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