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GFSI Conference


31 MARCH - 3 APRIL 2025
All times are in Irish Standard Time (UTC +0)
8:30 am - 9:00 am
A Warm Welcome to the GFSI Conference 2025
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Join the inaugural session of the Global Food Safety Initiative Conference 2025 to hear from Wai-Chan Chan, Managing Director of The Consumer Goods Forum, alongside GFSI Coalition Co-Sponsors Dirk Van de Put, Chairman and CEO of Mondelēz International and Sean Summers, Group CEO of Pick n Pay, as they set the cornerstone for what is the must-attend food safety conference, bringing together visionary leadership from across the global food ecosystem to help ensure safe food for people everywhere.

Location: Plenary Hall

Isabelle KUMAR
Presenter and Journalist - Moderator
Wai-Chan CHAN
Managing Director
The Consumer Goods Forum
Group CEO
Pick n Pay
Dirk Van de PUT
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mondelēz International
9:00 am - 9:30 am
GFSI’s Evolution, Vision and Strategic Leadership
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In this session, industry leaders will discuss the ongoing evolution of the Global Food Safety Initiative, emphasising the vision and strategy that drive food safety forward and highlighting recent initiatives aimed at raising the bar on GFSI standards and the Race To The Top framework. Panelists will offer their perspectives on the changing landscape of food safety management and GFSI’s leadership role and explore how such factors impact food safety practices across global supply chains. Moderated by Isabelle Kumar, panelists will examine the implications of sustainability, technological innovation and GFSI’s commitment to maintaining high standards. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of GFSI’s role in shaping a safer, more resilient food industry for the future.

Location: Plenary Hall

Isabelle KUMAR
Presenter and Journalist - Moderator
Senior Director of Global Food Safety and Quality Systems
Mondelēz International
Vice President - Corporate Food Technology and Regulatory Compliance & GFSI Steering Committee Co-Chair
The Kroger Co.
Vice President, Global Food Safety and Quality & GFSI Steering Committee Co-Chair
General Mills
9:30 am - 10:00 am
Food Safety: Driving Impact Together at National, European and International Level
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Join Dr. Pamela Byrne, Former Chief Executive at The Food Safety Authority of Ireland, as she draws upon her extensive experience in food safety and the regulatory environment to explore the cutting-edge developments shaping Ireland’s food safety landscape. From her expertise in risk assessment and food safety management at both national and international levels, Dr. Byrne will highlight emerging challenges, technological advancements and strategic initiatives that are impacting how we approach food safety. This session will offer valuable insights for global industry professionals, policymakers and researchers alike, emphasising the importance of collective action in safeguarding public health and highlighting Ireland’s reputation for food excellence.

Location: Plenary Hall

Isabelle KUMAR
Presenter and Journalist - Moderator
Dr. Pamela BYRNE
Former Chief Executive
Food Safety Authority of Ireland
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Networking Break - kindly hosted by Danone
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Exhibition Hall

10:20 am - 10:35 am
Tech Talk - kindly hosted by Agroknow
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Supplier Risk Intelligence: Transforming Data into Food Safety Action 

To enhance food safety in today’s complex global supply chain, food companies must have a clear understanding of potential risks across their network of suppliers. By leveraging food safety risk insights and forecasts, they can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring the quality and integrity of their incoming materials. Strong collaboration and transparent communication with suppliers are key to preventing safety issues, minimizing disruptions, and maintaining compliance. When both food companies and their suppliers have access to critical risk information, they can work together more effectively to build a safer and more resilient food supply chain.

How can data-driven intelligence empower food safety teams to proactively manage supplier risks while maintaining efficiency and building an excellent collaboration with their suppliers? This session will explore the challenges of supplier transparency and demonstrate how advanced analytics and risk forecasts can transform your FSQA strategy.

We’ll present three real-world use cases that showcase how predictive tools can turn supplier data into actionable insights:
– Actionable Supplier Alerts: Real-time updates on emerging risks linked to your suppliers.
– Supplier Due Diligence: Access to global food safety data to ensure that you know the food safety history of each supplier
– Dynamic Supplier Risk Assessment: Automated supplier assessments with dynamic analytics that adapt to evolving risk factors, empowering smarter, data-driven decisions for proactive risk prevention.

Join us to discover how FOODAKAI’s Supplier Risk Intelligence offers practical solutions to keep your supply chain resilient, compliant, and proactive in risk prevention.

Location: Presentation Theatre in the Exhibition Hall

Head of the Data Services Team
10:40 am - 10:55 am
Tech Talk - kindly hosted by Testo Saveris GmbH
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Smart Solutions for Food Safety: How Technology Ensures Integrity, Efficiency, and Sustainability in a Changing World

Ensuring food safety remains a critical priority in the global food industry, where preventable safety issues can lead to significant food losses and health risks. How can smart technology help guarantee food safety while also improving operational efficiency? This session will explore the challenges of maintaining rigorous safety standards without compromising sustainability, highlighting how inefficiencies and overcautious practices can result in unnecessary waste and environmental impact.

We will demonstrate how IoT-enabled smart monitoring systems enhance food safety by enabling real-time tracking, predictive analytics, and automated processes. These innovations help prevent spoilage, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and extend product shelf life. Finally, we will showcase how Testo’s solutions empower businesses to achieve superior food safety, optimize energy efficiency, and support sustainability goals, illustrated by a compelling customer success story.

Join us to discover how cutting-edge technology can safeguard food safety while transforming food systems into efficient and sustainable operations.

Location: Presentation Theatre in the Exhibition Hall

Head of Subject Matter Experts for Food & Pharma Solutions
Testo Saveris GmbH
Product Manager for Digital Food Safety Solutions
Testo Saveris GmbH
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Safeguarding the Future of Food Safety in Modern Retail & Wholesale
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As Ireland’s largest retail, wholesale and foodservice business, Food Safety & Quality in Musgrave has been central to its success over the last 149 years. In this session, CEO Noel Keeley explains how Musgrave recognises the importance of food safety right across the supply chain from suppliers to retail partners, customers and colleagues, in each of the markets it operates in. The culture of food safety in Musgrave centers around the importance of not just meeting the highest standards but also setting industry standards. The session will include examples of the Musgrave culture of food safety today, setting the business and its brands up for future success.

Location: Plenary Hall

Isabelle KUMAR
Presenter and Journalist - Moderator
Group Chief Executive Officer
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Future-Proofing Food Brands with Science
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Join us for an engaging session that delves deep into the transformative power of scientific DNA traceability in meat supply chains, with a particular focus on Irish consumer brands and industry associations. Discover how nature’s barcode—DNA—serves as a unique identifier, enabling industry-wide best practices for product origin verification and providing added benefit throughout the value chain. This science-driven approach promotes proactive monitoring of quality and responsible sourcing, positively impacting food safety and transparency in meat products.

Key Takeaways:
1. Collaboration with Stakeholders. The establishment of the National DNA Database for Irish pork involved collaboration with key industry groups, underscoring the importance of partnerships.
2. Experience from Irish Brands. Explore how these industry-wide practices have led to successful implementation strategies that consumer brands can learn from, enhancing the reputation of Irish products both internationally and domestically.
3. Future Opportunities. Applying scientific DNA traceability for origin verification can strengthen food brands’ supply chain intelligence, enabling brands, processors, and retailers to remain competitive and resilient in a changing landscape.

Location: Plenary Hall

Data Solutions Product Lead
MSD Animal Health
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Networking Lunch
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Exhibition Hall

1:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Special Session - kindly hosted by Ecolab
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Re-establishing Consumer Confidence in All the Foods We Eat: A Call to Action

As 2024 outbreaks have shown, when foodborne illness outbreaks happen, it impacts consumer confidence for the entire industry. Together, we can re-establish our consumers’ trust in the industry’s ability to provide safe and enjoyable foods. Join us for an in-depth discussion with industry leaders and experts as we explore the complexities of food safety within the global supply chain and what we, as an industry, can do to help keep food safe.

The panel will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the recent increase in Listeriosis cases in the EU; the static recall events in the US; the decreasing consumer confidence levels; and the recently implemented regulatory changes to control Listeria in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. They will look to answer these core questions:

• Considering all the data, can we use continuous improvement tools to take on one issue like Listeria, and focus on its epidemiology, pareto analysis of the root causes, and develop some specific actions as an industry?
• Is there innovation needed or more focus on environmental monitoring programs or validation/verification of the cleaning and sanitizing process?
• What steps must we take to reduce incidents and regain consumer trust?

This session aims to discuss global incident data, the impact to the supply chain, a focus on Listeria, and ways to mitigate the risks.

Location: The Liffey A

Vice President, Global Food Safety & Public Health
Ecolab Inc.
Global Microbiology Lead
Melanie NEUMANN, J.D., M.S., M.C.P.C.
Food Industry Attorney, Founder of Neumann Advisory Services
Neumann Advisory Services
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Special Session - kindly hosted by Veeva Systems
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Navigating Complexity: How Nestlé’s Digital HACCP Modernizes Global Food Safety

In this engaging on-stage conversation, John Donaghy of Nestlé and Geert Van Kempen from Veeva Systems explore how the digitalization of HACCP is revolutionizing food safety management across Nestlé’s global operations. As the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé manages over 350 factories, each with complex HACCP requirements. Learn how their journey toward a fully digital HACCP plan management system enhanced agility, efficiency, and governance, enabling rapid responses to evolving hazards. Attendees will gain insights into making the business case for digital transformation, and the importance of cross-industry collaboration in driving innovation. This session is a must for leaders seeking to future-proof their food safety strategies.

Location: The Liffey B

Global Head of Food Safety at Corporate Quality
Nestlé S.A.
Head of Food & Beverage, Strategy
Veeva Systems
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
Breakout: Harmonizing Food Safety with Corporate Social Responsibility - The Human-Centric Approach
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Join this session as we hear from a distinguished panel of industry and regulatory leaders exploring the critical convergence of food safety, sustainability and regulatory frameworks. René Lammers, Executive Vice President and Chief Science Officer at PepsiCo, will provide insights from an industry perspective, examining the interconnections between food safety, food security and corporate social responsibility. Claire Bury, Deputy Director General responsible for Food Sustainability from the European Commission, will complement this with a regulatory viewpoint, analyzing policy strategies that address safety, quality, and sustainability. The session will explore strategic approaches for developing environmental, social and governance initiatives, whilst maintaining and enforcing fundamental food safety requirements, offering a comprehensive look at the challenges and opportunities in modern food systems.

Location: The Liffey A

Isabelle KUMAR
Presenter and Journalist - Moderator
Claire BURY
Deputy Director General responsible for Food Sustainability
Executive Vice President and Chief Science Officer
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
Breakout: Back to the Future: New Insights on Old Food Safety Problems
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This presentation, “Back to the Future: New Insights on Old Food Safety Problems,” explores how recent, high-profile food safety issues caused by well-known pathogens are being investigated and addressed using new technologies. As we enter a new era of smarter food safety, we face opportunities and obstacles in addressing persistent concerns.

The presentation will cover four key areas:

1. Recent Notable food safety failures
In 2024 there were several high-profile multi-state outbreaks and recalls in North America that illustrated serious failures in the control of foodborne pathogens that resembled events from several decades ago. Cases of Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks linked to deli meats and Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections associated with hamburgers once again stressed the need to reassess those threats to protect public health. At the same time, a few cases of the same pathogenic organisms emerged to be related to relatively novel vehicles such as plant-based drinks, onions and carrots. These latter events illustrate the ever-changing environmental adaptation and attribution of these pathogens.

2. We will review the issues with baby food and Cronobacter sakazakii. Cronobacter infections in infants have been linked to the consumption of powdered infant formula (PIF) dating back to the 1980’s. However, the actual route by which PIF becomes contaminated is still unclear in a large majority of cases. In addition, recent recalls of PIF in the US after the US FDA received complaints about 4 cases of illness or death in infants who consumed PIF, led to a severe shortage of PIF in the North American food supply. As a result of the latter and reports of other recalls and Cronobacter contamination in PIF facilities, the FDA initiated the development of an overall strategy to help prevent future Cronobacter spp. illnesses associated with the consumption of PIF. This presentation will provide an introduction to Cronobacter species infection in neonates/infants, including its epidemiology and survival in low-moisture foods. Also covered will be some of the recent concerns with recalls of Cronobacter contaminated infant cereals. The talk will also highlight some of the initiatives currently underway in the US FDA’s strategy to help prevent Cronobacter sakazakii illnesses associated with the consumption of PIF. Overall, this element of the presentation aims to raise awareness of the challenges posed by Cronobacter contamination of PIF and to advocate for continued efforts to ensure the safety of these foods for all infants.

3. We will review the new and old ways of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli transmission.
E. coli O157:H7 emerged to public health in 1982 causing the first foodborne outbreak of enterohemorrhagic colitis, and poorly cooked hamburgers were the infectious cause. Until the start of the century, ground beef used to be the most common food associated with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), but for the last 20 years, leafy greens and other fresh produce became more prevalent. In 2024, the reported outbreaks in the USA reminded us that this zoonotic pathogen continues to be a serious threat to ground beef related products as well as any fresh produce commodity associated environmental contamination from livestock. More than 40 years after the first outbreak, cattle remain as the natural reservoir of STEC and as long as there are no effective pre-harvest interventions, we will continue to experience foodborne infections.

4. In conclusion we will address how food safety regulations are adapting to new business models and changing consumer behaviors and the role of tools such as whole-genome sequencing can play in enhanced food safety.

By examining these interconnected themes, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of how traditional food safety problems are being transformed by technology developments, and how the food industry can proactively address these challenges to ensure a safer, more resilient food system for the future.

Location: The Liffey B

STRIDE Food R&D Consultancy Ltd.
Francisco DIEZ-GONZALEZ, Ph.D.
Director and Professor, Center for Food Safety
University of Georgia
Senior Research Officer and Principal Investigator
Teagasc Food Research Centre - Food Safety Department
Jeffrey FARBER
Adjunct Professor, Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety (CRIFS)
University of Guelph
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Networking Break
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Exhibition Hall

3:35 pm - 3:50 pm
Tech Talk - kindly hosted by LRQA
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Turning data into action: Transforming supplier verification processes to build risk resilience

Ensuring product integrity and food safety across the end-to-end supply chain is an “always on” priority for the Food & Beverage sector. During this session, “Turning data into action: Transforming supplier verification processes to build risk resilience,” Kimberly Coffin, Supply Chain Assurance Technical Director at LRQA, will delve into the role of supplier programmes in a more digital and data driven era and how businesses should be leveraging this data to quickly identify, prioritise and address risk, ultimately ensuring the delivery of safe, high-quality food to consumers.

Key takeaways:
1. Risk identification: Understand how leveraging the ‘right’ supplier compliance data enables businesses to pinpoint and address risks more effectively and efficiently.
2. Supply chain segmentation: Discover the role of data in supporting risk-based segmentation strategies for improved supply chain resilience and efficiency.
3. Risk-based supplier verification: Learn how to transform a one-size-fits-all supplier assurance programme to be more strategically designed, data-informed and focused on risk resilience.

Location: Presentation Theatre in the Exhibition Hall

Kimberly COFFIN
Supply Chain Technical Director
3:55 pm - 4:10 pm
Tech Talk - kindly hosted by TraceGains
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Smart Data, Safer Food: Transforming Risk Management in the Supply Chain

Data is the new cornerstone of operational excellence, this talk will explore how leveraging smart data can revolutionise risk management in the food supply chain. Delve into how cutting-edge digital technologies – ranging from real-time analytics to AI COA Analysis – empower food industry leaders to predict, detect, and mitigate potential safety risks before they escalate.

Key Takeaways:

• Driving Proactive Risk Management: Utilising real-time data and analytics to prevent safety issues before they occur.
• Gaining Operational Efficiency: Streamlining processes through integrated, data-driven systems.
• Using AI to your advantage: Real world applications of AI that can be implemented today and free up resource for proactive risk management and innovation.

Location: Presentation Theatre in the Exhibition Hall

Senior Account Executive
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Special Session - kindly hosted by Rentokil-Initial
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The mystery of the unseen threat: The digital pest forensics protecting food safety

Unseen pest activity is threatening food safety. In a story based on true events, we share the invisible challenges faced by the food industry around the world. We put a forensic lens on the AI-driven technology that’s helping to identify, detect and capture culprits in areas where human eyes have never been before.

But what are these breakthrough technologies, and how are we using them to minimise risk and see the unseen in your business? Join us at our special session to find out how we cracked the elusive pest case with investigative strategies that have the ability to deliver unprecedented food safety protection.

Key takeaways:
As we put a forensic lens on the AI-driven technology that’s helping to solve unseen threats in the industry, attendees will witness the power of proactive intervention and the future of food protection. The session will uncover how a forensic approach to pest control enables even earlier detection and control, minimising risks and reliance on chemical treatments for a stronger food safety system.

Location: The Liffey A

SVP of Digital Innovation
Rentokil Initial
Dr. Colm MOORE
Regional Technical Manager
Rentokil Initial
Operations Manager
Rentokil Initial
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Special Session - kindly hosted by Neogen
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Leveraging Food Safety as a Business Performance Driver: Balancing Risk, Efficiency, and Success

As expectations for food safety grow, companies face increasing pressure to move beyond compliance and integrate food safety as a business performance driver. Business leaders face complex trade-offs between risk management, operational efficiency, and ongoing success while transitioning from a compliance-driven to performance-based food safety culture.

This interactive panel discussion will focus on practical strategies for embedding food safety into business strategy, demonstrating value to the executive leadership, and leveraging digital tools for informed decision-making. Join us to explore how leading organizations are modernizing their food safety programs to enhance resilience, efficiency, and long-term success. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with the expert panelists and gain valuable insights tailored to their unique challenges.

Key discussion topics include:
– The transition from a compliance-driven to performance-based food safety
– Engaging executives in food safety beyond compliance
– Frameworks for integrating food safety into corporate decision-making
– Leveraging digital tools to navigate complex decisions and manage trade-offs

Location: The Liffey B

Director of Scientific Affairs
Sr. Mgr. QESH CS&SC Central
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
Cultivate SA
Gellert Family Professor in Food Safety
Cornell University
Senior Director of Global Quality and Food Safety Governance
McCormick & Company
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Breakout: The Digital Revolution in Food Safety - Whole Genome Sequencing
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The food safety landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation, driven by technological advancements in Whole Genome Sequencing. This session will focus on the latest applications of WGS in pathogen detection, outbreak investigations, and microbial risk assessment, looking at how data is revolutionising risk prediction, traceability, and decision-making processes in food safety and examine the ongoing shift towards digital solutions in food safety management.

Location: The Liffey A

Global Solutions Architect for Data and Genomics
Professor of Food Safety Centre
University College Dublin
Independent food safety expert & Former Chief Scientist at European Food Safety Authority - EFSA
Head of Food Safety Science and the Global Food Safety Center
Mars Incorporated
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Breakout: Cultivating Resilient Food Safety Communities - A Global Perspective
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In an interconnected world, the strength of our food safety systems relies not just on regulations and technology, but on the resilience of communities across the entire food chain. This session will explore the crucial role of community engagement in building robust, equitable food safety practices. We will look at how fostering a sense of community in food safety transcends the traditional business-oriented network approach, emphasising the social aspects that are vital for sustainable change. We will explore how resilient food safety communities contribute to the broader goals of human, animal and environmental health and present case studies that demonstrate the power of community-driven initiatives in addressing food safety challenges, particularly in resource-limited settings.

Location: The Liffey B

Consultant, Senior Business Leader & Board Director
Professor in Plant Health and Food Safety, President - African Academy of Sciences, Co-Director of the DSTI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security
University of Pretoria
Lucia ANELICH (PhD) Pr.Sci.Nat.
Adjunct Professor
Anelich Consulting
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Official Opening Cocktail - kindly hosted by Kerry Group
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Exhibition Hall

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