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News Update
Call for Participation – Science and Technology Advisory Group (STAG)

…technology developments that may impact GFSI’s food safety activities. Indeed, new technologies and advances in science promise exciting new capabilities and opportunities. STAG will call on the world’s best experts…

News Update
GFSI Call for Evidence: Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Audits

PARIS, 5 October 2023 The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated new methods and tools to conduct remote assessments such as audits in agricultural and food supply chains using Information and Communication Technologies…

Maintaining Food Safety with Sound IPM Strategies Amid Rapid Distribution Expansion

…on a whole new meaning as supply chains are stretched, reconfigured, and disrupted. A network of distribution centers, cross-docks, warehouses, and fulfillment centers extend the global food-supply chain directly into…

News Update
GLOBALG.A.P Certification at Closed Plant Factories in Japan

…We have received investment from a variety of companies, including machinery manufacturers, IT companies, logistics companies, and food manufacturers. We are working to expand our production sites based on a…

News Update
A “Revolution” for Food Safety: GFSI Director Erica Sheward on Version 2020 and the Race to the Top

…our board member companies all require GFSI certification as part of their requirements, so if you’re servicing any of our board member companies, the demand is already there for a…

Happy Anniversary to the Global Markets Awards!

…more companies to further develop their food safety practices, to extend the reach of the GFSI approach and to grow the GFSI community. This is how the Global Markets Awards…

How Global Data Can Help the Food Industry Improve Food Safety

/SPONSORED CONTENT/ When was the last time you touched your phone? A recent study has revealed how obsessed we are when it comes to our mobiles. On average, we touch…

News Update
GFSI Steering Committee Members Meet for Second Time Since Inauguration; Focus Shifts from Onboarding to Action

…to ensure new members were fully up-to-speed on all things GFSI and a strong foundation for the work to come. This second Steering Committee meeting provided an update on progress…

News Update
Service Providers Are Now Eligible for GFSI-Recognised Certification

…approve the publication of a new scope to the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020. This new scope covers the provision of services impacting food safety and is the result of…

News Update
GFSI SteerCo Meeting Summary: Stronger Relationships, Stronger Food Safety Systems

…CB2B Forum comprises four CBs and four food companies. The CB2B Forum’s top priorities are to share information on performance measurements and harmonise performance indicators into a common measurement for

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