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News Update
GFSI Releases Engagement Plan for ‘The Race to the Top’

…a detailed engagement plan setting out a bold vision for how we deliver open, transparent and frequent interaction and communication with our stakeholder community globally. The publication of this engagement…

GFSI Remote Auditing Update

…to effectively use ICT. The full audit objectives must be met and all parts of the audit process completed effectively and as a combined process. Each CPO must define what…

News Update
GFSI & COVID-19: Letter from GFSI Leadership

…page on mygfsi.com. At the same time, GFSI is gearing up for a new world of auditing and introducing the use of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) to food safety…

Making Informed Decisions Using Quality Product Data

communication errors are costly. Learning from other industries Digital transformation is also a key driver of food traceability; however, many companies have realised that in order to adopt promising technology,…

Press Release
The GFSI Experts Series Returns with All-New Food Safety Interviews

…a global industry network working to support Better Lives Through Better Business. For more information, please visit www.mygfsi.com.   For further information, please contact: Lisa Prévert Senior Manager, Communications l.prevert@theconsumergoodsforum.com

News Update
Update on Temporary Audit Measures During Covid-19 Pandemic

…could be applied without compromising the quality of the certificate, thus putting less equipped companies at a disadvantage at an already difficult time.   We remain committed to our role…

News Update
Statement on Temporary Audit Measures During Covid-19 Pandemic

…regions that have no travel restrictions.   For those sites which cannot be audited traditionally, the GFSI Technical Committee has agreed in conjunction with the GFSI Board a suite of…

Press Release
True Stories of Food Safety Culture Around the World: A New Season of the GFSI Web Series

…global industry network working to support Better Lives Through Better Business. For more information, please visit www.mygfsi.com.   For further information, please contact: Lisa Prévert Senior Manager, Communications l.prevert@theconsumergoodsforum.com PARIS,…

Supporting the Next Generation with Continuous Learning

What an enjoyable and productive week we had at GFSI in Seattle! While everyone’s time was occupied with meetings and making new connections, there was also a resounding commitment to…

News Update
Important Announcement – Coronavirus Developments in Washington State

…by the CDC and WHO on how to take preventative measures to reduce risk of catching the coronavirus: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention-treatment.html or https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public. If you do begin to show signs of a…

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