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News Update
Update: GFSI Statement Regarding the Suspension of Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)

This announcement follows the one made by GFSI on 7th June 2024 that the GFSI Steering Committee has suspended recognition of certification programmes owned by the Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)…

GFSI World Food Safety Day 2024 Podcast

…safe food for people everywhere.         Click to Sign Up for More GFSI Podcasts       Source for statistics cited in this podcast: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-food-safety-day/2024 featured hidden…

News Update
GFSI Statement Regarding the Suspension of Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)

In order to maintain trust and confidence in GFSI-recognised certification programmes and preserve the integrity of GFSI recognition, the GFSI Steering Committee has suspended recognition of certification programmes owned by…

Maintaining Food Safety with Sound IPM Strategies Amid Rapid Distribution Expansion

…local markets. When it comes to pest services, this expansion brings fresh challenges and a need for a mind-shift in service approaches. The sheer size of many of these distribution…

News Update
GFSI Announces New Benchmarking and Harmonisation Working Group

…the work forward at pace.” The working group is set to focus on a specific list of priorities defined by the GFSI Technical Sub Committee and communicated during the 2023…

Press Release
GRMA, Inc Certification Program v1.2 Gains GFSI Recognition

…in the world the consumer is. To learn more, visit www.mygfsi.com. For further information, contact the GFSI Team, The Consumer Goods Forum: GFSINFO@theconsumergoodsforum.com. About GRMA The Global Retailer and Manufacturer…

News Update
Visión y Acción – La Conferencia GFSI Culmina Ideas Estratégicas e Impulso Hacia Adelante

…Junta Directiva, que está compuesta por más de 55 directores ejecutivos de fabricantes y minoristas. Para obtener más información, visite: www.theconsumergoodsforum.com. 7420 news_updates/gfsi-conference-2024-roundup-day-3-sp featured 1 hidden For more info contact…

News Update
Diálogo y descubrimiento: la Conferencia GFSI Profundiza para dar Forma al Futuro de la Inocuidad Alimentaria

…la reputación del CGF como ‘comprar’ en lugar de ‘hablar de comprar’. -FIN- Nota para los editores: Visite GFSI en Twitter, LinkedIn y YouTube para ser el primero en escuchar…

News Update
Legado y Liderazgo La Comunidad de Inocuidad Alimentaria de GFSI se Une para Garantizar Alimentos Inocuos para Todos

…Junta Directiva, que está compuesta por más de 55 directores ejecutivos de fabricantes y minoristas. Para obtener más información, visite: www.theconsumergoodsforum.com. 7420 news_updates/gfsi-conference-2024-roundup-day-1-sp featured 1 hidden For more information contact:…

News Update
GFSI Conference DAY 3 – Vision and Action – GFSI Conference Culminates with Strategic Insights and Forward Momentum

…by its Board of Directors, which comprises more than 55 manufacturer and retailer CEOs. For more information, please visit: www.theconsumergoodsforum.com 7420 1 news_updates/gfsi-conference-2024-roundup-day-3 featured 1 hidden For more info contact…

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