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News Update
Understanding GFSI’s ‘Race to the Top’ | Webinar

…harmonisation and benchmarking, engagement in private-public partnerships, and capability building in food safety. Erica then introduced Marie-Claude Quentin, GFSI’s Senior Technical Manager, to provide an overview of the Race to…

An Interview with Outgoing GFSI Board Member Neil Marshall

…was easy for me to go into the GFSI Board having the background and insights from the food safety community. GFSI is a special and unique forum, bringing together food

Together for Better Food Safety: China Food Safety Day 2020

The 9th China Food Safety Day was held in Hangzhou on 18th November under the theme ‘Together for Better Food Safety’. The China Food Safety Day was opened by the…

News Update
There Is Still Time to Share Your Remote Audit Experiences | Interview with ICT Expert Panel

…from around the world. We have three who are food specialists. We have Hajime Toyofuku, who’s a food scientist from Yamaguchi University in Japan. We have Bernd Van der Meulen,…

News Update
Call for Evidence on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Food Safety Auditing

…like to receive: Experiences of using video/remote meetings to facilitate food safety audits; Evaluations of the impact of using video/remote meetings to facilitate audits on food safety; Evaluations of the…

COVID-19 Changes Eating Habits & Food Priorities

…shopper attitudes towards canned and pre-packaged food reflect uncertainty towards the pandemic’s largely unquantifiable threat. Increasingly, consumers are more conscious of food safety and food origin, and the COVID-led disruption…

News Update
New GFSI Japan Local Group Chair Kotani and New Vice-Chair Ishikawa Talk About Their Aspirations

…safe food for consumers everywhere.” This time, we have specially added the wording of “raise awareness of food safety across the organisation,” in other words, “the penetration of food safety…

News Update
Call for Participation | Information and Communication Technologies in Auditing

…group: inspection and auditing practices, in food specifically but also in other industries; food safety monitoring practices; use of Information and Communication Technologies; food safety related discipline. In order to…

News Update
One Standard for the Food Industry? | Ask GFSI

…Alimentarius) ● GMP, GAP (Codex Alimentarius, OIE) ● FSMS: food fraud, food defence, incident management, resource ⇔ Complementary of: ● Outcomes ● Standards Verification at a point in time of…

Press Release
Consultation Reveals Broad Support for GFSI’s ‘Race to the Top’ Framework

Respondents commended GFSI for its unique role in facilitating effective dialogue between multiple actors in the food safety ecosystem. Consultation showed broad recognition that the four features are the right…

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