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Aligning with Strategic Goals

GFSI’s Benchmarking and Harmonisation Working Group (BHWG) is focused on developing new benchmarking requirements (BMRs) that align with the latest industry standards and insights. This effort follows the GFSI Technical Subcommittee’s identification of key areas needing revision, including incorporating CODEX Codes of Hygiene, relevant updates to ISO 22003, and feedback from recent GFSI assessments. The primary aim is to clarify the intent of the impacted BMRs, ensuring they remain robust and relevant.

Insights from BHWG Newcomer and Veteran Members

This week, we are pleased to introduce BHWG newcomers Samuel Barrett, Global Food Safety and QA Manager at Yum! Brands and Denise Engelbrecht, Technical Manager at Pick n Pay along with BHWG veteran Martin Fowell, Director of Auditing Operations at Mérieux NutriSciences.  Their insights and experiences add valuable perspectives to our mission of ensuring safe food for people everywhere.

Sharing his experience, Samuel Barrett says:

“The Benchmarking and Harmonisation Working Group offered a fantastic opportunity to join diverse, likeminded industry experts committed to ensuring the continued development of GFSI Benchmarking Requirements. Whilst our industry viewpoints are not always aligned, the working group offered a strong forum for debate, knowhow sharing and ultimately provided the space to build a consensus on the future requirements. Engaging with this process offered a unique opportunity to help shape what is one of the most critical elements of certification, impacting thousands of manufacturers and stakeholders worldwide, and I am thrilled to have been able to provide my perspective.”

Adding her perspective Denise Engelbrecht shares:

“I have loved being included in the BHWG and to represent my company and country on this international platform. The only challenge has been the different time zones we all are from and to understand the role and responsibility, but once that was cleared and the information was shared to review it was all about making time to review the documents and to give feedback within our group and to agree to all the comments made with their motivations for change or to stay the same. It has also been great to hear that our country is not unique in our frustrations and concerns, that everyone wherever they are has the same, just in different degrees. Thank you for offering this opportunity to me to learn, grow and contribute.”

Contributing to the conversation, BHWG veteran Martin Fowell adds:

“Being a part of the GFSI Benchmarking and Harmonization group has been a true learning experience and exercise in collaboration…While there have been some differences of opinion, the group has always found common ground and the end results have stood the test of time and created a strong foundation for food safety standards. Knowing that the benchmarking requirements will be used throughout the world, and in all parts of the food chain, makes me feel very proud of the work that has been completed. The guidance from our committee co-chairpersons has been proven effective and I have seen a significant increase in the amount of work that we are able to accomplish in a much shorter period of time.”

Collaborative Progress and Joining the Conversation

As the BHWG continues to refine and enhance the BMRs, collective expertise and collaborative efforts are essential. The dedication of Samuel, Denise, Martin and the rest of the BHWG is driving the development of the new GFSI BMRs version 2024.

We invite the GFSI Community to provide feedback on proposed changes to the GFSI Benchmarking requirements.

Download the consultation file and contribute to this critical process by giving your input by 17 September 2024.

For more information, please contact gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com.

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