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In the final GFSI update of 2022, GFSI Director Erica Sheward reflects on some of the year’s achievements and a future look towards 2023. The year launched with the success of the GFSI Conference hosted in Barcelona, the first in-person conference since before the pandemic, which brings much anticipation for the GFSI Conference 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

“GFSI has achieved very many things in 2022, all of our key areas of strategic work have moved forward.”  As Erica continues to list the achievements of the year, highlighting the Capability Building, the new GFSI Governance rules, Technical Equivalence, and Race to the Top (RTTT), She also extends her gratitude to all stakeholders across all regions and working groups who contributed toward moving the GFSI agenda forward.

“As 2022 draws to a close, on behalf of the Steering Committee, The CGF, and the GFSI Team, I would like to  wish you all a very happy and restful break. Thank you to all for all the work you contributed to GFSI in 2022 and we look forward to seeing you again in 2023.”

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