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GFSI is opening a new benchmarking consultation and is calling for stakeholder participation and comments.


BRC Global Standards issued a new version of their standard for packaging. Already a GFSI-recognised programme for many scopes, BRCGS wishes to retain the GFSI recognition of their packaging standard with this new version and asked to be re-assessed.


Grace Abamba BRC GS Global Program Manager, said: “The requirements of Issue 6 have evolved from previous issues with an emphasis on senior management commitment, a hazard analysis and risk assessment-based product safety programme and a supporting quality management system. Our objective was to direct the focus of the audit towards the implementation of good manufacturing practices within a product safety and quality culture of continual improvement, while recognising the diversity and breadth of the packaging industry, and the skills required to audit it.”


Why a Consultation?
Public stakeholder consultations are an important step in this process to ensure the greatest transparency and objectivity, and are conducted after the desktop self-assessment review and the office visit led by an independent benchmark leader.


How to Participate?
Please note that this Consultation is now closed. Be sure to subscribe to GFSI News to be notified of any upcoming Consultations.

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