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Technical Equivalence is a category of GFSI benchmarking process dedicated to government-owned standards. It acknowledges the equivalence of the standard’s content to the relevant scope(s) of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Part III.  Unlike GFSI recognition, Technical Equivalence does not include the assessment of the programme’s governance and operational management. You can access GFSI’s position on GFSI Statement on Technical Equivalence

Following an extensive 2 year consultation on the future of Technical Equivalence (TE), in April 2023, the GFSI Steering Committee voted unanimously to phase out Technical Equivalence. GFSI is therefore no longer accepting new applications for TE. All currently acknowledged public standards will continue to be assessed in the usual way and fully engaged in the TE process until the end of the current life cycle. In the meantime GFSI is working with a number of public standards including those already acknowledged by GFSI through the TE process to explore the feasibility of public standards being fully recognised by GFSI.

The following public voluntary certification programmes have achieved GFSI Technical Equivalence against GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020:

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