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The hundreds of leading food retailers, manufacturers and other organisations that engage with the Global Food Safety Initiative do so for one simple reason: they know that, no matter how strong their own capabilities, achieving consistent food safety on a global scale requires collaboration. There are many ways to get involved with GFSI and show your support for its vision of safe food for consumers everywhere.

Achieve GFSI-Recognised Certification 

Leverage the power of GFSI recognition by becoming certified with one of the GFSI-benchmarked certification programmes.

Quality control expert inspecting at chicken eggs in the laboratory
Build Food Safety Capabilities

Harness GFSI’s Global Markets Programme to build up food safety capabilities, strengthen the supply chain and increase market access.

Join the Community at a GFSI Event

Be part of the global GFSI Conference, regional GFSI Focus Days and other opportunities to learn, share knowledge and grow your global network.

Apply to Join a Local Group

Local Groups support GFSI’s efforts to share knowledge and promote a harmonised approach to managing and improving food safety across geographies.

Apply to Join a Working Group

Subscribe to GFSI News to be made aware of Calls for Participation in a Technical Working Group.

Apply for Benchmarking

Benefit from GFSI’s harmonisation work by submitting your certification programme for benchmarking.


Become a CGF Member

Get a seat at the table and join our global network at The Consumer Goods Forum, GFSI’s parent organisation

Get in Touch
For more information please contact
The GFSI Team
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