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Initially created as the GFSI Europe Local Group in 2017, this group has in 2021 now broadened its scope to cover the Middle East and Africa. The GFSI Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Local Group is composed of leading retailers and manufacturers and created a new wave of momentum for GFSI across these regions. This Local Group has a vast geographical reach and plans to work with a wide range of stakeholders.


The GFSI EMEA Local Group has three strategic priorities:

To drive awareness of GFSI-recognised certification particularly in countries where third party certification is less well advanced with an initial particular focus on Eastern Europe.

To develop a forum for engagement between business and Food Safety Authorities represented by the Europe, Middle East and Africa Local Group with an initial particular focus on Eastern and Western Europe.

To identify areas of need and facilitate capability building across the countries represented by the Europe, Middle East and Africa Local Group with an initial particular focus on Eastern Europe.

Who Is Involved

  • Ahold Delhaize
  • Amazon
  • Apollo Safety
  • CampdenBRI
  • Danish Agriculture & Food Council
  • Groupe Bel
  • Louis Dreyfus Company
  • Mawarid Food Company
  • McDonalds
  • Mondelez
  • Nestle
  • Pepscio
  • Testo SE and CO
  • Walmart
  • Yum
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