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In recent decades, we’ve seen a significant shift in the pest control industry towards more sustainable and eco-friendly practices, driven by an internal commitment to recognising and mitigating the environmental impact of traditional pest control methods. Regulatory pressures, corporate social responsibility initiatives and an increased awareness of the ramifications of traditional pest control are also causing demand for alternatives to rise.

Traditional pest control methods rely on widespread chemical pesticide applications, which can lead to environmental contamination and potential harm to non-target species. Additionally, the frequent technician callouts for reactive treatments associated with traditional pest control result in increased carbon emissions.

In contrast, more sustainable pest control solutions, such as connected 24/7 remote monitoring and drone technology, minimise chemical usage and carbon emissions while promoting ecosystem health and human safety.

Let’s look at some of the more sustainable pest control techniques that could revolutionise pest control and some innovations that may enhance sustainable pest management further in the future.



A New Era in Pest Management


Understanding Rodent Biology

One ingenious system that may be made possible is analyses of rodent DNA to improve pest insights.

This would entail collecting rodent faecal samples and analysing them for valuable information about the rodent population’s characteristics and behaviours. This could even tell experts whether the rodents carry genes associated with resistance to specific rodenticides. With this knowledge of rodent species, technicians would be able to apply more targeted treatments based on the specific population, minimising bait wastage and maximising the impact on target species. This minimises residual effects and causes less disruption to non-target species.

The prospect is revolutionary, and for food and beverage businesses, the effect is a reduced risk of contamination and product spoilage due to pest activity, ultimately safeguarding food safety standards and protecting consumer health.

Enhanced Rodent Detection

Rodent tracking gels highlight rodent tracks on virtually any surface. This information is invaluable because it enables technicians to identify and block pest entry and exit passages and allows for the precise placement of traps and bait. This reduces the need for unnecessary chemical applications, minimising environmental impact.

With improved control measures in place, food businesses can better safeguard their products against contamination, ensuring compliance with food safety standards and preserving consumer trust.

Restricting Pest Entry

Another strategy to reduce the use of rodenticides is pest-proofing. This refers to the act of sealing and blocking any potential rodent entry points in a building to prevent pest entry and infestations. This ultimately reduces the use of rodenticides to control infestations as rodents are stopped in their tracks early on and denied entry.

Advanced Pest Identification and Surveillance

As we’ve seen above, technology has played a leading role in introducing more sustainable pest control practices, and now, artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise and bears some exciting prospects for the industry.

AI and machine learning are revolutionising pest surveillance by introducing pest detection and identification monitoring cameras. These advancements mean that treatments can be specifically tailored to areas where pest activity is detected, minimising the need for widespread chemical use.

Furthermore, by enabling technicians to respond promptly to pest infestations based on real-time data from surveillance systems, AI technology helps prevent infestations from escalating. This reduces the use of pesticides that can contaminate soil and water, be harmful to non-target species and disrupt ecosystems.

Additionally, the reduction in technician callouts due to the introduction of remote monitoring, which reduces the need for technicians to manually check each trap, can lead to fewer vehicle emissions, further contributing to sustainability efforts.

Ultimately, it’s evident that sustainability efforts in pest control are a key component of helping to safeguard the planet. But this journey doesn’t end with current practices; it’s an ongoing commitment to improvement and adaptation. Businesses must continuously work on improving their sustainability efforts to become more ecoconscious while achieving individual key performance indicators, such as reducing carbon emissions and enhancing recycling initiatives, for instance.

As environmental and pest challenges evolve, so must pest control strategies and, as we’ve seen, there are some exciting prospects on the horizon for the industry.









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