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What is Food Safety Culture?

feelings among employees (3. Communication). In addition to communication in writing, using multiple forms of media to convey information helps to communicate easier. Moreover, food safety would be recognised easier…

The 5 Keys to Measurable Food Safety

…be successful when it comes to digitally measuring and monitoring the execution of food safety in daily operations. Below are some key points to consider:   Leadership Commitment & Communication:…

Setting Standards with Science: What ‘Inspect What You Expect’ Means for Food Safety

…scientific, risk-based approaches to food safety control. However, many companies don’t realise how easily they can begin to close the gap and assure the level of control that regulators expect….

Press Release
Global Food Safety Initiative Starts New Chapter as CEO-led Coalition of Action

…how the new model and commitment to collaboration and transparency will help shape food safety across our industry for years to come”. While many individual companies and organisations share a…

News Update
GFSI and the FAIRR Initiative Celebrate World Food Safety Day: Safe Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow

…recalls are frequent in the meat industry. It is estimated that a product recall can cost a company $10 million. This is normally due to costs from setting-up logistics to…

News Update
Behind the Scenes: Part 3 of Spotlight on Benchmarking and Harmonisation Working Group (BHWG)

…used throughout the world, and in all parts of the food chain, makes me feel very proud of the work that has been completed. The guidance from our committee co-chairpersons…

COVID-19 Changes Eating Habits & Food Priorities

…require the industry to adapt further and faster than initially expected.   References https://www.mintel.com/press-centre/food-and-drink/pass-the-avocado-on-toast-a-quarter-of-young-millennials-say-covid-19-has-made-a-vegan-diet-more-appealing Laguna, L., Fiszman, S., Puerta, P., Chaya, C., and Tárrega, A. (2020). The impact of COVID-19…

News Update
New Consultation Opens for GFSI Benchmarking Requirements v2024

…above and send renamed file to gfsibm@theconsumergoodsforum.com. GFSI greatly values your participation so please be sure to send submissions by 17 September 2024. Join the Discussion 1 featured hidden news_updates/new-consultation-opens-gfsi-bmrs-v2024/…

Press Release
GFSI Launches New Stakeholder Consultation on Primary Scopes and Service Provision Scope of the Benchmarking Requirements

www.mygfsi.com. For further information, contact Lee Green, Communications Director, The Consumer Goods Forum: l.green@theconsumergoodsforum.com 5 primary scopes reviewed and a new scope created by 3 Technical Working Groups featured hidden…

GFSI Answers Our Two Most Frequently Asked Questions

…going through assessment by visiting our website. Simply go to benchmarking.mygfsi.com. If you have any doubts, you can contact us on gfsinfo@theconsumergoodsforum.com, or through the contact page of our website.”…

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